Build Sears Feed

This step is broken down into several uploads. Clicking on the "Run new Feed with Products to Add"  button will build the feed for all your products not on Sears yet, based on the filters you set in Step 1.

Clicking on the link to re-upload the full active product listing will upload all the products that you already have on Sears, and may delete or put products out of stock based on the filters you chose and rules you set in steps 1 and 2. This will not add new products to Sears.

Clicking to run the inventory update will update quantities for active products on Sears.

Clicking to run the pricing update will update pricing for your active products.

These feeds can be automated to run through the scheduler. Generally, the full active product listing does not need to be run daily unless you would rather delete products no longer in your feed from Sears rather than zero the inventory for those products.

You can download the last feed written, however it is in xml format and can not be uploaded manually through the Sears interface.