Welcome to SmartFeed: Product Feed Manager

This product is designed to assist you in creating multiple feeds from your storefront automatically, either for PPC, and PPA campaigns, marketplace management for sites such as Amazon, Sears, Ebay and Buy.com, or to and from various distributors allowing you to sync pricing and inventory changes and add products to your website easily. 

We have various packages available based upon the feeds that you require

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PPC / PPA Feeds

This product allows you not only to send feeds to other PPC campaigns easily and efficiently, but to remove products that do not perform well through the PPC.  Through this versatile programs interface, you can:

  • Remove items from specific feeds
  • Assign promotional messages to your items
  • Feature payment methods, such as google checkout or PayPal
  • Disable low or out of stock items
  • Show or hide certain manufacturers or product categories theough various filters
  • Don't allow inexpensive items or low profit items to feeds

All these features are here to assist you in increasing sales, without breaking your budget in PPC.


Marketplaces (Amazon / Ebay / Rakuten / Sears)

You can also automate feeds to Marketplaces to increase your visibility online and increase overall sales.  Some of the varoous features you can do are:

  • Syncing procing and inventory
  • Automate New Product Loads
  • Piggyback onto existing listings (where applicable)
  • Pricematch competitors (where applicable)

In addition, you can automate feeds from Distributors, and load products onto your store and automate the updating of pricing and inventory onto your website (if your shopping cart is supported).