View Products and Manage Feeds
Managing your product feeds is simple. Click on the Manage Clicks tab and select an active comparison shopping engine at the top. Only the ones that you made active in setup will be viewable here.
After clicking on the shopping engine, this program will display all the clicks for a month to date range by default. The first view is the current month. If there is reporting history for previous months, they will be visible. You can click on the different days in the month to see the traffic on that day, from that product feed. Note: Not all feeds will display traffic on all days. Reasons for this can be numerous. Years, months and days only display for which there is some data for. If there is none of this, than you have no traffic to your store.
Reporting Display
A referrer is shown as a link when the referrer URL is captured from a users browser. Typically, this URL is able to be captured on Google, however some of the other shopping engines tend to mask the inbound URL to the clients browser, making the referrer link unavailable quite often on many of the other shopping engines. When available, when clicked on, this will show you what the user saw when they clicked on your site.
SmartFeed allows you to sort your feeds by sku, price, clicks, carts, number purchased, conversion percentage, cpc, cost of all clicks (COAC), cost, margin and ROI. Warning: Running more than one SmartFeed session simultaneously may cause SmartFeed to give an error. This is because when a sort is executed, it is pulling from temporary memory, which can get overwritten if another feed is being review at the same time. A page referrer is only shown if the page referrer from the shopping engine is captured. Some shopping engines routinely mask the page referrer to many browsers leaving this field empty.
The cpc values are obtained by using the category mapping values to cross reference the appropriate cpc values that match your products categories on each of the shopping engines. If the category mapping is not complete, the cpc values may remain at zero. COAC (Cost of All Clicks) is obtained by calculating all the clicks for a product and multiplying this by the cpc value for that product. Cost is either obtained directly from the feed, or as a calculation of the set margin against the product price. Margin is either calculated as a value from the cost within the feed or from the default margin. The ROI (Return on Investment) field is calculated by the Margin times the Number of Conversions - Cost of All Clicks (COAC).
You can download the report you are viewing by clicking on the Download Report link near the top right of the report.