Amazon Price Checking
The Amazon Price Checking screen allows you to check your products against the lowest price on Amazon based on the rules set in Amazon Rules. You can price against Amazon pricing by matching, pricing above, or beating the lowest price on Amazon by a percentage or dollar amount. You can set a price curve to match against (eg: if the price on Amazon was $3.99, you can add a $5 dollar price curve to match against a price of $8.99). You can set 2 other rules to ignore the price change. You can ignore the price change if the rule makes your new price lower than the lowest price on Amazon. You can ignore the price rule if the change increases the price or decreases the price by a certain percentage (eg: Ignore the change when the rule makes the price increase or decrease by more than 10 percent).
Consider when examining your price against the lowest price on Amazon that it does not take into account shipping rates. Your price may already be competetive even if your price is higher than the lowest price on Amazon. This screen is served as a reference only, to show you what the pricing updater will do when it is run.
Finally, when the field for Lowest Price on Amazon is blank, it means that there was no price found on Amazon for that item, as there may not be any sellers selling the item or the price competition has a "Too Low to Display" listed on the listing. Click here to learn more.