Product Category Mapper
With the Deluxe Product Category Mapper, users can map their own stores categories to the different shopping engines categories from one master list within minutes, using different category breakdowns. Our Product Category Mapper allows you to set your stores categories to our predefined categories compiled from several shopping comparison shopping engines. This process needs to done only once, and upon building each feed, will automatically set the appropriate cross categories to all the shopping feeds.
More Features
Advanced Features
Automated Product Import, Advanced Options, Automatic Scheduler and more...
Available Shopping Engines
View All the Available Shopping Engines And Marketplaces.
Product Information Overrride
Override product information to different feeds as nessary
Real Time Management
View Clicks and Traffic in Real Time, Build Feeds On Demand
Advanced Reporting Features
Imporve your ROI by reviewing your traffic on each shopping engine and remove products that do not convert.
Specialty Services
Custom Feed Creatiion, Amazon Listing Services, Loading Products on a Website, and more.
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